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Order of Rights

Writer's picture: babylionbabylion

Updated: Jun 21, 2024


1 To lead is to serve, to serve is to lead.

1A The right to grant blessings including in the form of cursing one to bless on anyone, and the right to undo any blessings or curses put upon on the self or those with the self's gaurdian ship through explicit statement.

1B The right to say no to any directive and have that respect in so far as you do not harm another through action

1C The right to free will and autonomy.

1D The right to control and exchange your own power.

2 When you know you know.

2A The right to keep your memory and free, will without assualt from others.

2B The right to return memories for those who deserve it.

2CThe right to have the your memories returned.

3 Hero's wear masks.

3A The right to privacy when explicitly requested.

3B The right members, to silence.

3C The right to sleep especialy when tired.

; citation Principle, sic [be unreal and illusive]

4 Strength can be persuaded.

4A The right to persuade with reason, and be persauded ie the right to change one's mind.

5 Stories are more interesting with character development.

5A The right to grow and learn from mistakes.

5B The right to have all punishments given to one explained in detail to them, reason and method, before they are given and the right to offer explaination motives for crimes to justify and potentially divert one's punishment. xTz Punishments that conflict with these rights are unlawful

5C The right to obtain and hold "Nivarna" described as one's own peaceful happiness upon order they see in the hum of the world falling into place and basic contentment aligned with this.

5D The right to be formless.

; citation Spencer, sic be formless, but, in reality, be Buddhist Kingdoms.

6 Girls just wanna have fun. Women know how. Boys have toys. Men have tools.

6A The right to maturity.

6B The right to imagination. 6C The right to copulation with those of complimentary capacity and willingness

7 Only give what is deserved.

7A The right of give and trade objects with care.

7B The right to freedom from perverse torture

7C The right to kill they that deserves death.

7D The right to refuse reincarnation.

8 As you teach so shall you be judged by students.

8A The right to share knowledge on discretion.

8B The right of children and learners to be allowed patience and encouragement, xL7 ; citation Children Write Studies

9 You can't fight fate.

9A The right to intimidation.

9B The right to divine intervetion to protect and defend your rights with or without explicit statement.

9C The right to freedom from cages when within one's own mind.

9D The right to one that which is naturally owned resepctively.

10 This is a game.

10A The right to have any rules one is under explained to one and how and why they are being enforced.

11 When you know what you love it becomes a part of you.

11A The right to your mind and heart.

12 To hunt.

12A The right to seek what you desire.

13 What they don't know won't hurt us (so make sure they know).

13A The right to hurt, disrupt and weaken with facts.

13B The right to to SIGHT and SOUND in as far as they can be satisfied.

13C The right to share insights and participate in discussions with in a group context.

13DThe right all relevant information to a decision you identify at point and cloud of the process when chooseing

13E The right to understand your misfortune when curious enough.

14 As time runs thin all things fall to judgement and determination.

14AThe right of to manipulate threads with possibilities and wills aligning.

14B The right of to manipulation of circumstance.

14C The right to vengence you take yourself without perverting anyone else's rights.

15 Justice will asstert itself

15A The right to defend oneself in Divine Court or choose a qualifiy consenting lawyer.

15B The right to apeal decision in Divine Court based on corruption of the court, including retroactivity, and based on new evidence or new law offending a case.

15C The right of the court to take vengence for a plantant with plantants full uncoerced consent.

; provision

- Names must be founded

The right of the divine enforces santioned by rectified contract of power exchange from the tree of "god" (lower case implict) to enforce court rulings.

; the tree of god looks something like this; like follows



DEMONS(YINGgenerations) MORTALS(TAO generations) ANGELS(YANG genderation)




15D The right to use divine power exchange contacts to appoint enforces of the law in divine order.

15E The right to have your case heard in court with proper calling of court and payment to the Judge (and those enforcing) according to urgency.

; provision

- Judges may charge no more than 10% of monetary control or 10% of power from plantants and plantants may be reimbursed on the retification of their case from the accused if said accused is found guilty in particular case.

15F The right to act against against this document if "Common Sense" provides adaquite reason and resource. xTz xL7



[Legal Document]

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